Arthur Grosset's Birds
Araripe Manakin, Chapada do Araripe, Ceará, Brazil, October 2008 - click to access this species' page This is a collection of, mainly, bird photographs although there are some other animals included. Most of these photos are from South America, Europe, Australia, Africa and Bhutan. I have attached some notes on each bird wherever possible.


24th June 2021:
New species today are:
Golden-breasted Puffleg, Emerald-bellied Puffleg, Sword-billed Hummingbird, Lemon-throated Barbet, Golden-rumped Euphonia, White-lored Euphonia and Bronze-green Euphonia while there are new photos for Orange-bellied Euphonia and Blue-winged Mountain-tanager.

3rd May 2021:
New species today are: Cloudforest Pygmy-owl and Eurasian Jay while there are new photos for Black-chested Buzzard-eagle, Ferruginous Pygmy-owl and Plumbeous Sierra-finch.

10th April 2021:
New species today are: Small-billed Elaenia, Coopmans's Elaenia and Rock Bunting while there are new photos for Swallow-tailed Kite, Broad-billed Motmot, Yellow-bellied Elaenia, White-crested Elaenia and Yellowhammer.

6th April 2021:
New species today are: Green-fronted Lancebill, Blue-fronted Lancebill, Streak-headed Antbird and Buff-breasted Mountain Tanager while there are new photos for Lineated Woodpecker and Plain Antvireo.

3rd April 2021:
New species today are: Green Thorntail, Wire-crested Thorntail, Black-bellied Thorntail and Scrub Blackbird while there are new photos for Donacobius.

28th March 2021:
New species today are: Deep-blue Flowerpiercer, Bluish Flowerpiercer and Black Flowerpiercer while there are new photos for Masked Flowerpiercer, Rusty Flowerpiercer, Glossy Flowerpiercer and White-sided Flowerpiercer.

22nd March 2021:
New species today are: Tyrannine Woodcreeper, Black-billed Peppershrike and Yellow-tufted Dacnis while there are new photos for Black-faced Dacnis.

16th March 2021:
New species today are: Turquoise Jay, White-collared Jay and White-tailed Jay while there are new photos for Green Jay.

12th March 2021:
New species today are: Cinereous Tinamou and Little Tinamou while there are new photos for Greater Ani, Smooth-billed Ani and Purple Honeycreeper.

9th March 2021:
New species today are: Baron's Spinetail, Ash-browed Spinetail, Smoke-colored Pewee, Western Wood-pewee and Red-crested Finch while there are new photos for American Black Vulture and Olive-sided Flycatcher.

3rd March 2021:
New species today are: Ruddy Pigeon, Croaking Ground Dove and Giant Conebill while there are new photos for Ruddy Ground Dove and Cinereous Conebill.

5th January 2021:
New species today are: Crimson-mantled Woodpecker and Northern Andean Flicker while there are new photos for Brown Violetear, Green Violetear and Sparkling Violetear.

1st January 2021:
A Good New Year to everyone.

New species today are: Buff-winged Starfrontlet, Grass Wren, Grey-hooded Bush-tanager and Black-chested Mountain-tanager while there are new photos for Bronzy Inca and Collared Inca.
I hope that you will enjoy this site.

I will be adding to it for the foreseeable future so please revisit at regular intervals.

I would also be very interested in comments about the birds, the photos and the web site. Please e-mail me at arthur(at)

Last updated on 24th June 2021.

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