Plumbeous Seedeater Sporophila plumbea
Male Plumbeous Seedeater, Vila Bela de Santíssima Trindade, Mato Grosso, Brazil, March 2003 - click for larger image Brazil

The male Plumbeous Seedeater shows a dark bill, white chin and black wing and tail feathers with grey edging. It also has white underparts and a white spot under the eye can usually be seen. It is the only mainly grey seedeater with a dark bill.

Male Plumbeous Seedeater, Caseara, Tocantins, Brazil, January 2002 - click for larger image The female has light brown upperparts and is paler below becoming almost white on the belly. The wings have a dark edge to the buffy-brown.

It is found in the cerrado of Brazil with a separate population in similar habitat in Colombia and Venezuela. See the distribution map at xeno-canto.

It is a very good singer and is becoming scarcer as it is trapped for the caged bird trade.

Female Plumbeous Seedeater, Serra da Canastra, Brazil, October 2022 - click for larger image
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