Hooded Siskin Spinus magellanicus
(aka Carduelis magellanica)

Brazilian name: pintassilgo

Chilean name: Jilguero peruano

Male  Hooded Siskin, rio CamaquĆ£, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, August 2004 - click for larger image

The Hooded Siskin is distributed in the Andes from southern Colombia to northern Chile, in central and south Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, northern Argentina and eastern Bolivia It is also found on the tepuis on the border of Venezuela with Brazil and Guyana. See the distribution map at Birdlife International.

Male  Hooded Siskin, Putre, Chile, February 2007 - click for larger image It is the most common siskin in South America and inhabits open areas with scattered trees, gardens and parks. The male, seen in photos 1 to 3, has a black hood, an olive-green back and yellow underparts. The black wings have yellow bands across them. The female is variable. There are two morphs, the grey and the greenish and the greenish morph is seen in photo 4. .
Male  Hooded Siskin, Putre, Chile, February 2007 - click for larger image
Female  Hooded Siskin, Putre, Chile, February 2007 - click for larger image
Hooded Siskin, Monte Verde, Espirito Santo, Brazil, October 2022 - click for larger image
Hooded Siskin, Sao Francisco de Paula, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, October 2022 - click for larger image
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