Silvered Antbird Sclateria naevia
Female Silvered Antbird, Joanes, Ilha de Marajó, Pará, Brazil, November 2005 - click for larger image Brazil and Ecuador
November 2005

The Silvered Antbird is distributed throughout most of the Amazon Basin except for the south-east. See the distribution map at xeno-canto. It is found in seasonally flooded forest usually at the water's edge.. We found several pairs singing at dawn along a creek through mangroves on the Ilha de Marajó and many years later we found a male in a creek at Sani Lodge, Ecuador.

Female Silvered Antbird, Joanes, Ilha de Marajó, Pará, Brazil, November 2005 - click for larger image The male looks very similar in pattern to the female except the brown is replaced by grey and the buff spots on the wing-coverts are replaced by white spots as can be seen in photos 3 and 4. Both sexes have this long, slender bill and pinkish legs.
Male Silvered Antbird, Sani Lodge, Ecuador, November 2019 - click for larger image
Male Silvered Antbird, Sani Lodge, Ecuador, November 2019 - click for larger image
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