Green-crowned Plovercrest Stephanoxis lalandi

(aka Plovercrest) Brazilian name: Beija-flor-de-topete
Male Plovercrest, Itatiaia, Minas Gerais, Brazil, November 2008 - click for larger image Brazil
November 2008

The Green-crowned Plovercrest is distributed in south-east Brazil from Espírito Santo to north-east São Paulo. See the distribution map at xeno-canto.

It is found in the understorey of the Atlantic Rain Forest and in scrub land. It is often associated with streams.

These photos are of males showing the long elegant crest which is lacking in the female. The HBW and Birdlife International Checklist separate this species from Violet-crowned Plovercrest S. loddigesii, found further south, on the basis that the latter shows an iridescent blue forehead and has a less extensive violet-blue belly.

Male Plovercrest, Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 2008 - click for larger image The generic name comes from the Greek Stephanos, a crown and oxus, sharp. The specific name lalandi comes from Pierre Antoine Delalande, a French collector who worked in the Rio de Janeiro area in 1816 while the subspecific name loddigesii comes from George Loddiges, a British taxidermist who specialised in hummingbirds.
Male Plovercrest, Itatiaia, Minas Gerais, Brazil, November 2008 - click for larger image The birds in photos 1 to 3 was recorded by Jeremy Minns at a lek in low montane scrub by the Agulhas Negras Road in Itatiaia.
Male Plovercrest, Campos do Jordao, Sao Paulo, Brazil, October 2022 - click for larger image
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