Leaden Antwren (Myrmotherula assimilis)
Male Leaden Antwren, Anavilhanas, Amazonas, Brazil, July 2001 - click for a larger image Anavilhanas, Amazonas, Brazil
July 2001

The Leaden Antwren occurs only in várzea woodland, including river islands, along the River Amazon and its major tributaries. It is particularly numerous in the Anavilhanas Archipelago where these photos were taken.

Male Leaden Antwren, Anavilhanas, Amazonas, Brazil, July 2001 - click for a larger image The normally difficult task of identifying Myrmotherula antwrens is eased somewhat by the fact that the Leaden Antwren is the only grey Myrmotherula found in this habitat (so far!)

The male, as seen in these photos is almost uniform grey with paler underparts and 2 white wing-bars. It has a semi-concealed white patch on its back and a narrow white tip to its tail.

Male Leaden Antwren, Anavilhanas, Amazonas, Brazil, July 2001 - click for a larger image The female is pale olive-grey above with 2 buffy wing-bars.

There is an illustration in Ridgely & Tudor, Plate 19.

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